Project #3

Project #3

Reflection of Project as a whole:

If I’m being honest, project three was a rollercoaster ride for me. I missed one class on Veterans day and felt like I had missed half the project and was so confused about what we were supposed to be doing. It was not until the day in class where we looked over the job descriptions that my classmates had written that I started to gain a little understanding of what was expected in the project. By this point I was already 4 journals behind and very stressed thinking about how I was going to manage my time to get the work done in time for the extension deadline that Mr. Miller so graciously provided me. Even with everything else I had on my plate at the end of the semester I somehow managed to get the work done. Again ill be honest I don’t look at what we are doing next time in class on the weekly menu so when we came in and Mr. Miller said that we were doing interviews I straight up wanted to leave. My heart started racing and I was so scared. I’m just lucky that I didn’t have to go first. The Dry run interview was so helpful for me and prepared me for what I needed to do for my interview. If it weren’t for the dry run interview I would have had no idea what kind of questions they would be asking me or what kind of questions that i should be asking them. The interview process was not only stressful but nerve racking for me. Anytype of experience where I have to get up and perform in front of my peers terrifies me. Especially in this class because everyone is always so well spoken and more prepared than I am. When preparing for the interview I knew I had some tough competition so I made sure I planned out important things I wanted to say like my skills and previous experience in the field. I also wrote down a few questions that I wanted to ask my interviewers and I felt pretty good about it. While being interviewed, having that paper with a few points on it made me feel a lot more confident going into the situation. Bringing a piece of paper with notes is definitely a technique that I will use in my future interviews. On the other hand I did not prepare nearly enough when it came to doing the interviewing. Me and my group had only thought of a few questions to ask and had to scramble to come up with more last minute questions on the spot. Also there were several questions that we were asked by the interviewees at the end of the interview that none of us in the group knew how to answer so it made us look unprofessional. Overall this project like so many other things has taught me the importance of preparation. The journals were a major part in helping us set up this project and prepare us for our in class activities and interviews and without them you couldn’t have performed as well during the interviews. Also when I put in some extra time to be prepared for the interview I was a lot less nervous about the experience and had a much better outcome than I would have had if I didn’t prepare for it. I liked this project and think that my team worked well together. Overall rating of the project from me 7/10.  
