Chelmsford Garrison House Podcast

Chelmsford Garrison House Podcast

For this assignment we had to make an outdoor walking tour soundscape. After doing a few other soundscapes I think I am getting the hang of them. Soundscapes have definitely been my favorite podcasts to create thus far. I had a hard time trying to decide what location I should pick for this assignment because I already technically did an outdoor soundscape on my #1 choice nearby and I didnt want to just do something basic like the beach. I ended up deciding to do it when I went home to Massachusetts for the weekend. I was brainstorming Ideas with my mom of where I should go and she was actually the one who came up with the idea for me to go to the Garrison house and it worked out perfectly considering that I live so close to it. While I was there though I was having a hard time trying to figure out what noises that I could capture that would represent the garrison house. Unfortunately there weren’t any tours or demonstrations offered that day or else I would have done one and added clips from it. I’m not super happy with the sounds that I ended up recording and wish that I could have gotten more sounds that truly represent the garrison because from the sounds I captured the listeners could assume that I am at any park or outdoor path. There was a lot more narration and sounds that I could have added that could have helped paint a better picture for my listeners but I had to cut them out due to time constraints. Also I realize that my intro is lengthy but I really liked that information and think it helps with the listeners understanding which is why I didn’t want to cut it even though I tried. That being said, I think I went overtime by 10 or 20 seconds . Please take mercy on me. I spent more than an hour just trying to cut it down and make it more concise and this is the best I got. I will say though that I am happy with my editing and narration of the piece. I find that I come alive and it’s much more enjoyable for me when I am talking about anything historical or environmental which is why I believe that this podcast and my Audio Postcard podcasts have been my favorite to make.
