Expert Podcast 300 Word Reflection:

Expert Podcast 300 Word Reflection:

So for this project we had to find an expert, interview them, and turn it into a podcast. My first choice for the podcast the Saco River Wildlife Center did not answer me despite my persistence so that really bummed me out because I really wanted to go to the center and learn more about the kind of work they do there. It also bummed me out because it put me behind in the trajectory  of the project. I held out hope that they would answer instead of moving to my second choice so that’s my fault. When it came to recording the interview Mrs. Faraday was amazing, maybe a little too much so because our interview ended up being an hour long and I had wayyyy more information than what I needed. This made it hard when it came to the editing process because I was having a really hard time trimming out what I should keep and what I should get rid of and still have it sound like a cohesive story. The time limit on this project also made it very difficult. With everything that was said in the interview I could have made multiple 6 minute podcasts. If the time constraint on this project had been longer like 10 or 15 mins I would have definitely taken the podcast in a different direction but since I only had 6 mins I had to focus on a very specific story and leave out all the broad but important information that Mrs. Faraday had given. Therefore I decided to focus on her time as a student at her Semester at Sea program. I could tell that she was really passionate about the topic and she is still involved with the organization today so that’s why I ultimately decided to have that be the podcast’s main focus. I spent 9 hours editing this podcast and I’m still not happy with it. I really liked all the information that I cut out and wished that I could have found a way to make it work within the time constraint. There were just so many stories that I could have focused on from the podcast it was hard to pick just one. 
