Goal setting assignment

Goal setting assignment

A Liberal Arts Education gives people the general skills, critical thinking,citizenship and  knowledge that are needed to contribute to society in an impactful way. That’s not to say that STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) aren’t equally as impactful. It is important to realize how broad the liberal arts are and all it encompasses many disciplines, with the five major categories being literature, languages, history, philosophy, math and science. But it is so much more than that, by taking a liberal arts path students will “develop foundational knowledge and critical thinking skills that are necessary for understanding and assuming their roles in natural, social, humanistic and other environments.” (Core Handbook 1)  “The concepts that are studied include truth, nature, value, causality, complexity, morality, freedom, excellence.” (Scheuer 6)  People often take for granted the depth of the liberal arts studies and just see the surface level without appreciating the deep connections that are made internally for the student. Making these connections helps to develop critical thinking and “making us better learners, communicators, team members and citizens.” Someone with a liberal arts degree should ideally have a more well rounded education (they know a little about a lot of things), whereas someone with a specialized or technical degree knows a lot about one thing. 

I have high expectations for what my liberal arts education will provide me with by the end of my 4 years. I hope to live up to the standards of what is expected of me at the College of Arts and Sciences here at UNE. I also have high expectations for myself personally. I hope to someday be a respected well liked citizen in my community. The liberal arts promotes “flexibility and openness to diverse perspectives.”(Scheuer 3)and this will help me to grow as a person and be a conscientious contributing part of our complex and ever changing society. My education in the liberal arts will allow me to begin to acquire the skills necessary to do so. As stated in the core handbook the liberal arts “emphasize civic understanding of the role and responsibilities of the individual to the larger community. I believe that my liberal arts education will make me more confident in my academic abilities, give me more confidence as a person and open my mind to different cultures and perspectives as well as making me a “better learner, communicator, team member and citizen” (Scheuer 6) 

I have always been a little slow on the uptake academically but I have given all my efforts and persevered. I believe my education in the liberal arts will give me the ability to make deeper connections. In the past it was always very difficult for me to see the relationships between the topics I was learning in different classes. Something that was emphasized in the core handbook was critical thinking and problem solving. Focusing on my problem solving skills will extremely help me in my academics. A lot of the times when I have a problem academically I tend to get frustrated very easily and give up on myself. I used to have a fixed mindset about school and when something would get hard I would just tell myself that I couldn’t do it.  My education up until this point has felt like I was in a rowboat paddling the wrong way not able to get anywhere. But Even in the brief time I have spent at UNE It is significantly easier to make the connections between all of my classes to help me make it all make sense. The fact that the Liberal arts “embraces the ideal of the integrated curriculum” (Scheuer 2) makes me finally feel like we are all paddling in the same direction. 

With the way that my Liberal arts education is going so far I have little to no time to do extracurricular activities which makes me sad because i definitely can see how having those out of classroom experiences where your not necessarily forced to show up can really help people make more meaningful connections that you are more likely to remember and gain from on a personal level. Having extracurricular activities is very important because looking at a screen for hours on end and stressing about every assignment test/ quiz isn’t living. That’s not real life. If you spend all your time just going to classes and doing your homework you’re going to miss the most vital aspects of developing your professional identity. That’s not taught in the classroom. Since there are so many people with college degrees, it’s the other skills each individual brings to the table intelligence, insight, wit, charm, salesmanship, leadership, networking, etc. that determines “success” in their job. Extracurricular activities give you the opportunity to meet like minded people and share ideas and collaborate.   

There are many misconceptions when it comes to the Liberal Arts.  Many have asked why do people who have liberal arts degrees fail at life? People who have liberal arts degree dont fail at life most just don’t know what they want to do for a career yet and this often carries over to their professional life. I am an outlier because I know exactly what I want to do with my degree. The misconception that the liberal arts is only for wealthy people is disheartening and simply nonsense. This misconception takes away the American dream, the set of ideals in which freedom includes equal opportunity for prosperity and success, as well as an upward social mobility for the family and children, achieved through hard work in a society with few barriers. I believe with an open mind, hard work and perseverance anything is possible. 

While there is still an argument that a more focused STEM education is more beneficial to getting a job after college  “students want jobs not debt” (Scheuer 1). I believe that in the career path that I have chosen that my liberal arts education will benefit me more than a STEM education. My goal is to one day be a videographer for National Geographic or Animal Planet all over the world. The education I receive will make me a better Global citizen. The knowledge that I’ve gained through my classes and experiences will empower me and prepare me to think critically, develop a sense of social responsibility, and analyze issues. My Liberal arts degree should give me the ability to become a “lifelong learner, engaged citizen and someone who can adapt to change and to multiple career paths. I hope to gain a stronger sense of myself, my values, ethics and civic engagement through the course of getting my degree.  


1.) “Field of Degree: Liberal Arts : Occupational Outlook Handbook.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 8 Sept. 2022, https://www.bls.gov/ooh/field-of-degree/liberal-arts/liberal-arts-field-of-degree.htm. 

2.)“The Benefits of a Liberal Arts Degree.” IvyWise, 23 Mar. 2022, https://www.ivywise.com/blog/the-benefits-of-a-liberal-arts-degree/?gclid=CjwKCAjw-rOaBhA9EiwAUkLV4peAz2cbM72AtiCDtpZuqJNWhUvn2mjswdc2ZEQvrW1Er1w3DiRk5BoCqFYQAvD_BwE. 

3.) Anders, George. “Why the Liberal Arts Aren’t Just for the Elite.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 18 Aug. 2017, https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2017/08/the-unexpected-value-of-the-liberal-arts/535482/. 

4.)Scott Wilson, B.A. English. “Why Is Liberal Arts Important? Liberal Arts Education.” Liberal Arts, 19 July 2022, https://liberalartsedu.org/faq/why-is-liberal-arts-important/. 

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